Photos by: Stephanie Siau (@stephaniesiau) & Orchee Sorker (@orchees_photos)
Interview by: Orchee Sorker
September 20, 2022 | Ryman Auditorium - Nashville, Tennessee

With only about a week on the (Un)Commentary Fall Tour 2022, singer/songwriter Alec Benjamin chats and answers rapid-fire questions with HAZZE MEDIA before the Nashville show at the Ryman Auditorium. Check out behind-the-scenes soundcheck photos & his Nashville set photos below.
What is the most spontaneous thing you’ve done on tour so far?
We had a great dinner last night with the crew. We went to a barcade, and had a great time. It was something that we planned just like the day before, but I took like 20 people to dinner. It was awesome, and it made me happy. We had great food, and it was really spontaneous and fun.
Earlier this year, you did an editorial feature with Hazze Media. Thank you so much for giving your time & being patient with the whole project! I am super grateful for you, Moya, Nathan & the entire team helping set it up. Was it your first editorial shoot or have you done more? What was your experience like?
It was awesome and amazing! It was really great! They were super professional, and I had a lot of fun. It was very enjoyable.
(Un)Commentary was released in April of this year. Since then, how has the audience reaction been so far?
It's been pretty good! I think like now it takes like a long time for people to actually listen through a full record because there's so much music, content, and options people are presenting themselves every single day. I think the only way to gauge the reaction is over like a longer period of time. So, it's hard for me to say. Only now, I really can look back on like my first mixtape and be like, "oh, this is how I feel about the way it was received." So, I think it's hard for me to answer that question right now...but so far so good I suppose. You know, it's like a weird time now, especially coming out of the pandemic.
Congrats on 50M streams on “Devil Doesn’t Bargain”! I know you have been promoting it on TikTok. How was it like watching fans’ videos and just the overall experience?
The whims of TikTok, it's not necessarily my favorite part about what I do, but it is what it is. It's cool to see awesome people use my music for videos...but I prefer playing it in person. That's something that I enjoy more, but it's nice to see that people are finding like utility using the song, and finding it relevant to their lives...but my preference is always to see people in person.
Since over half of this year is over, what is something you are grateful for that happened this year?
I'm grateful that I'm still out here making music. I'm like still able to do my job, you know? That's nice. Yeah. I like that.

Rapid Fire Q&A with Alec
If you were in charge of a festival, who would headline it?
The only thing that is coming in mind is Ratatouille.
Coffee or Tea?
Early bird or night owl?
Night Owl
Go to fast food order?
Milkshakes from In & Out
Cats or Dogs?
Songs you’ve had on repeat lately?
I’ve been listening to Blue by Eiffel 65.
TikTok or Instagram?
Have you ever forgotten lyrics on stage?
Who's your biggest role model?
My parents
Favorite TV show?
What’s your favorite city to perform in?
Least favorite interview question?
I’m going to say, I don’t have one.
If you could collaborate with any artist?
I think this collab we have going between us is pretty cool right now. You know what I mean?
If there was a movie about your life what would it be called?
I'm not sure...That's a good question….
Nathan: “It's All about the Benjamin”
Or like "Have you seen my keys?" "Yeah, where's my phone."
What is your favorite meme?
I don't think I have one. Oh yeah…the one I sent you [Nathan], but I can't tell people about that.
What is something you tell yourself everyday?
Sometimes, I look at myself in the mirror and something I tell myself everyday... I love that Kanye West lyric, "Everything I'm not, makes me everything I am." That's such a good lyric. Yeah, I don't tell myself it every day, but when I feel bad, I think about that.
BTS during Soundcheck
Nashville Set
A Small Fan Project
by Orchee, Stephanie, & Tanishi
