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Rising Star: Kayla Bohan on Acting, Music, and Her Journey in 'From Embers'

Kayla, you're just 14 years old, and you've already accomplished so much in your acting career. Can you tell us about how you first got started in the industry and what motivated you to pursue acting at such a young age?

My journey into acting began with various roles in school plays and community theater. I made my first feature-length film when I was seven years old and the positive responses I received encouraged me to pursue it professionally

You're taking on a lead role in "From Embers" alongside Matthew Morrison. How was it working with him and the rest of the cast, including Kara Wang and Kathryn Morris? Did you have any memorable moments or challenges during filming? 

Matthew Morrison is a very talented, generous, and intelligent actor. In this movie, I play his thirteen-year-old daughter. Matthew taught me personal connection and emotion are at the core of good performances. Establishing a genuine connection with the material helps create a deeper impact on the audience. Kara Wang and Kathryn Morris are also amazing actors. I had several scenes with them. I think we created a beautiful film together. Their talent, spirit, courage, and dedication have been an inspiration and an incredible gift to me.   

In "From Embers” your character is a significant part of a story about a mother trying to uncover the truth about her husband's death. How did you prepare for such a complex and emotional role?

I got the role a month before the filming started. I carefully read the script multiple times to understand the story and its themes and to analyze my character’s motivations, relationships, and development throughout the narrative. The character, Chloe, is very similar to me, a girl who loves art and is full of love for people.

You wrote the theme songs "Maybe This is How Life Should Be" and "Panorama" for the film. Can you share what inspired these songs and what it was like to work on the music side of the project alongside Heather Morris and Matthew Morrison? How do you hope these songs will enhance the film’s narrative?

Panorama” is a sweet and heartfelt song. I tried to imagine how the character of “Chloe” would feel about her father and put those feelings into the song. I think that helped to give the song a more authentic feel. I really enjoyed working with Matthew Morrison on that song. He was very supportive and gave me really good advice. He was generous and taught me things no one else ever had. His patient and non-judgmental manner helped me feel comfortable while filming and recording our song together. Panorama link.

“Maybe This Is How Life Should Be” was inspired by a child writing to her mother. It’s deep and sincere with the lyrics representing the sadness that was shown throughout the film. I am so honored to have become a part of the magic in this film. Love is the universal language. Sometimes love takes us [to] places we can’t imagine, and sometimes it takes us to places we don’t want to go. Both make us who we are!

Heather Morris performed “Maybe This Is How Life Should Be.” Can you tell us about that experience?

I was so excited to meet Heather and collaborate with her. I loved her in “Glee”! She is one of the most talented people I know. It’s a hard song to sing, but she nailed every note! I really love how she approached it. She brought the song to life with such grace and emotion. I was in the studio when she was recording it and was impressed by her modest elegance. Her singing touched me deeply. Through the emotion she [brings] to it, every verse conveys the soul of the protagonist of the movie. It has become one of the strong storytelling voices of the film. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have worked with her.

What was the most rewarding part of working on “From Embers,” both in terms of your acting role and your involvement in the film's music?

There was a scene where I had to run in the rain at midnight, and I had to fall down countless times. I remember that I was drenched by the early morning, cold, and exhausted. But I gritted my teeth and finished it, even though I was in pain. I was honored to have composed the two theme songs for this movie. Music and performance have always been important to me and helped get me through the challenges of this film. It’s been a special journey. 

As a young actress with such impressive achievements, what are some of your future goals in the industry? Are there specific roles or projects you're particularly excited about?

I hope I can have a chance to act in a comedy. I’ve never done that before. I also hope to act in a movie where my role is true to myself, where I can unlock new skills and have fun with other actors my age.

Your performance in “KAYLA” earned you several awards and recognitions. How did winning these awards influence your career and your approach to acting? 

I made “Kayla” when I was seven years old. Winning the awards really meant a lot to me. The film is unforgettable for me. I grew a lot and experienced some amazing moments with the cast. They were like mentors to me, teaching me how to get into the role.

“From Embers” deals with themes of loss, mystery, and personal struggle. How did you emotionally prepare for a role in a film with such heavy and complex subject matter? Did you find any particular strategies or support systems helpful during this process?

Three years ago, my favorite cat went missing. Whenever I think of him to this day, my eyes tear up. This helped me to know what it means to lose a loved one or a beloved pet. This gave me a lot of creative inspiration, which helped me write the theme songs for this movie. Each line of lyrics is like telling a story. You may lose what you love, but in the end, love will always come back in one way or another.

This year is your freshman year of high school. Do you think you are ready? In addition to acting and music, do you have any other hobbies?

I am excited to kick off this school year with energy, enthusiasm, and tons of pride. I’m getting better at balancing work, life, and keeping track of school events. In academics, I try to tackle a diverse range of subjects. I especially love English, History, and doing charity work. I care a lot about people and my environment and I want to do well and help others do the same. I’m also on my school’s surf, swim, and tennis team. I know I’m ready for a year filled with inspiration, innovation, hard work, and fun! 

Lastly, given your experience and success at a young age, do you have any advice for other aspiring young actors who are looking to break into the industry?

Like many other young people, I have many hopes and dreams. I think it’s important to learn and keep growing every day. If I could give someone some advice, I think I would tell them to never give up. There will be disappointments and tears along the way, but that is part of the process. While there will be ups and downs, I think you should never give up on your hopes and dreams.

Where can people find more information about your work and upcoming projects?

I am active on Instagram @kayla.bohan and YouTube @KaylaBohan. My website is And you can find my music on all the major music platforms.


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